Janelle Lara
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I’m so glad you’re here.

Because you have incredible gifts…

And I LOVe being the strategic bff who swoops in, makes a plan, and then starts creating for you, right away


if you stopped by my home

(Hopefully with notice so I can hide the toys and the laundry)

I would give you a big hug, pour you something hot, and get right down to the deep stuff.


(I’m known to skip the small talk…)

I’d ask questions like…

How did you first discover your gifts?

Why did you go into business?

What changed when you become a mother? (other than, you know, everything)

What do you deeply desire?

And of course, we would pull up your astrology charts. My eye would immediately be drawn to your life path, your divinely bestowed gifts & purpose, and how God made you.

(truth be told, I am obsessed with the unique gifts every individual has to offer the world, and my knack for helping women share them clearly & concisely is what got me to where I am today)

I truly believe every single person came into this world with a unique combination of gifts only they can offer.

My divine calling is to help you embrace who you are, and support you in sharing your unique calling in your business in a way that is both aligned and abundant.

Regardless of whether we meet in my home, on zoom or during a luxury VIP weekend- when you hang out with me, you will be seen, and your gifts will be honored.

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if we haven’t met yet, I’m a mama, wife, and the CEO of a multiple 6-figure/ year business that I work on just 2 days a week.

And I help talented, powerful, intuitive women like yourself do the same.

Because I believe you can have it all.


My Story

My entire life turned upside down (in the best, and most exhausting way possible) in late 2017… that’s when I gave birth to my beautiful, oldest daughter, Adelaide.  I loved being a mother more than anything, and I decided right then and there I had to stay home with her. The only problem was, I am also hopelessly in love with business, and guiding women to achieve their full potential. I just couldn’t give it up.

Turns out, I gave birth to two people that day. My first daughter, and The Part Time CEO®.

Since 2018, I’ve earned a million dollars online. I’ve led dozens of clients to over $100,000 dollars in sales. I’ve given birth to my second and third children, moved across the country twice, and celebrated seven years of marriage with my husband.

And I have chosen not to work more than 20 hours per week.

My clients experience massive success very quickly, because while i love diving deep into the woo, make no mistake…

What I teach are *proven* strategies that will take you where you want to go.

and now, i’m transitioning into high touch, done for you email welcome sequences, so you can keep doing the work that feels nourishing to you ♥️


Let’s get started.