Janelle Lara
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Hey there-

I’m Janelle

and I’m so glad you’re here.

Because your business offers something truly amazing…



organic, personal, and gets results.


If we ever get the chance to sit down together

(and I really hope we do)

I’ll ask questions like…

How did you first discover your passions?

Why did you go into business?

What makes you get up every morning and decide to continue doing what you do?

What do you deeply desire, not only for yourself, but for your clients?

Truth be told, I am obsessed with the unique-ness every business has to offer the world, and my knack for putting your unique selling proposition in writing is what has gotten me to where I am today.

If you are an entrepreneur, then I know you’ve put some sweat and tears into your business.

And its my job to make sure the world knows that they should choose you over anyone else.

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If we haven’t met yet-

I’m a wife, mom, and CEO of a 7-Figure Marketing & ConsultiNg CoMpany

I’ve successfully led my business and my clients through the ups and downs of the coaching boom of 2018, the Pandemic of 2020, and the economic crash that followed without missing a beat.

And I would be honored to bring my marketing and storytelling expertise to your business, too.


My Story

At my core, I am a writer. Whether it’s writing the email copy that led my Medical Aesthetics Client to her best month ever in sales, or creating the landing pages that led my coaching business to 7-figure success in a saturated market, a strong belief of mine is…

it’s the simple marketing that sells.

Unfortunately, too many business owners are falling to the pressures of social media, dance videos, and reels. They’ve re-directed their valuable time and resources towards creating content rather than simply communicating their value with the audience that already knows and loves them.

I believe this is a grave mistake.

I love taking my clients’ USP (unique selling proposition) and creating a written marketing strategy that communicates their unique-ness, and allows them to stand out in a market that is just throwing spaghetti at the proverbial social media wall, and hoping it sticks.

Here’s what the game plan looks like:

My success in marketing centers around telling stories that connect with your client.

Plain and Simple.

I strategically leverage the stories that will be most impactful and memorable to your ideal client, and weave them into emails, mailers, and other written material so that your audience is eagerly waiting for your next installment.

and they don’t even realize (or mind) being marketed to.

This strategy never gets old. It does not fail. It has worked since the dawn of marketing. Humans are evolved to love, seek, and learn from stories.

And your clients are ready to hear yours.


Are you ready to experience what elevated and refined story-based marketing can do for your business?