Behind my $150,000 Launch


Ready for a super *BORING* Podcast?!?

( I know, I know… someone should really take away my internet marketing license… #worstheadlineever )

Let’s start over, shall we?!?


—> This week, I tell you all about the behind the scenes of my $166,000 launch

(Now THAT sounds SUPER sexy and exciting, right?)

I mean, as a result of this launch (and selling many other things which has resulted in a multi-six-figure year before the year is even half way over), I am literally set for the rest of 2021 in business.

As in, I could stop selling *anything* today and have all the money I need coming in every month to pay myself and my team.

… I can even still take the 3 months off I’m taking to have my baby this fall… (like literally I’m only working 3 more months this year)… and STILL pay myself SIX-FIGURES!

(Why didn’t I start with that? Such an “aspirational headline” as the copywriters would call it.)

But I didn’t, because while sharing stories about my success might be sexy…

It’s not what got me the results I wanted this year.

—> Actually, all of the tedious, boring, “ohmygawshhhh we already know all of this ”

^ that’s the stuff that brought me to this place.

It’s doing the boring, regular, every stuff…


So in this week’s podcast, I break down the boring stuff… step by step

Bit by bit.
Action by action.

That led me to a business that I no longer have to worry about for the rest of the year.

It’s not sexy, sensational, or novel.

There will be no grand call to 4 am wake ups or ‘secret’ webinar strategies.

Just the regular old WERK.


Because tbh…

I’d rather be rich & bored



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Janelle Lara