Align Your Life with the Moon With Dr. Theresa Pride & Kayelee Rose


In order to understand ourselves, we must understand the stratosphere in which we live, since in many ways our bodies mirror what we see.

It is common knowledge that we are mostly water. Depending on our age, we are anywhere from 70% (as adults) to 95% (as fetuses) water.

The moon shifts the tides. We are 70% water. Any police department will tell you moon phases affect crime. Any hospital will tell you more accidents happen in certain phases of the moon, and more babies are born during certain phases of the moon. Any teacher ( including my former self) will tell you children's behavior changes with the moon.

I am aghast that we do not take the moon into consideration more often in our discussions of being human. Often it has happened that I am feeling extremely strong emotions, and then I look at what the moon is doing and I find that the moon is transiting some very important aspect of mine, and asking me to deal with a certain part of my life. It is wildly helpful. Soon science & religion will catch up with (or rather, revert back to) their knowledge of the information shared by these planetary bodies!

"The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

2 Day after day they pour forth speech;

night after night they reveal knowledge.

3 They have no speech, they use no words;

no sound is heard from them.

4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world."

-Psalm 19:1-4

Until then, let us be the guides.

Yesterday, Dr. Theresa Pride (Six-Figure Sisterhood Client and Accountability Coach for The Offer Boss) and Kayelee Rose (Staff Astrologer for The Part-Time CEO®) sat down to discuss the role of the moon in our lives and how we can leverage it to support us. They also looked at Theresa's chart, overlaid mine with hers, and shared a bit about Theresa's experiences in The Six-Figure Sisterhood®. All in all, it is a fascinating conversation that I think you will enjoy and can benefit significantly from!


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Janelle Lara