How to Host a Successful Charity AND Launch Event


In November 2021, I accomplished a feat against many odds.

I successfully hosted an event that combined charitable giving, and a launch.

As a result, we DOUBLED our giving goal, and I closed 10% of the room (average close rate 1-3%).

I was invited by Mara Riopel to her Ambitious Mom’s Summit to speak on exactly how I pulled this off successfully, even though so many event experts told me it was not possible.

Many of you attended last year’s Giving Gala, and I am so thrilled to share that YES, we are hosting another one this year!

And it will be even better, I am sharing a never before seen keynote, Three Six-Figure Secrets, where I share the THREE things all of my six-figure clients have in common that no one is talking about. There will be opportunities for networking, donating, shoutouts, business growth and more.

Sign up for VIP access and more at the link below. Until then, enjoy this special episode, from the Ambitious Mom’s Summit.


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  • Check out The Exodus Road x The Part-Time CEO partnership here.

Janelle Lara