Memberships Don't Work

“Every single transformational experience, every single engagement I have with my clients, is custom.”

- Janelle Lara

Have you ever joined a low-ticket membership and said, “That was LIFE-CHANGING!!!!”?

🤣🤣 of course you haven’t. No one does.

The truth is, most Memberships don’t work.

I see too many entrepreneurs fall for the lie that if they could just build a membership that brought in recurring revenue while they slept, that they would have the business they’ve always wanted.

 The problem is, most people join memberships to solve a problem that a $27, $47, or $97/ month container CANT SOLVE.

(Additionally, no one talks about the drop rates in memberships. Or how draining low-ticket clients can be. Or HOW FREAKING MUCH you have to market to maintain numbers in a membership)

Why? Why doesn’t this seemingly magical business model work the way its supposed to?

Because it’s not what I like to call, a Transformational Experience.

(credit goes to Samantha Hartley for that term)

If it's not a transformational experience, it's probably not going to work. Period.

(There are two exceptions to this that I outline in the episode)

You are unique. Your business is unique. The way you are designed to serve is unique.

Do not try to squeeze yourself into someone else’s business model. (Or worse, their membership)

Tune in to learn why, and what to do instead.


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Janelle Lara