6 Golden Phrases You MUST Use to Get Clients

“When we use these phrases, we are posing rhetorical ideas so that our audience can picture the vision for themselves.”

- Laura Kebart

After Laura Kebart built a multi-six-figure membership business, she realized she had a unique skill set that could benefit so many entrepreneurs.

As she states in this episode, copywriting is the highest revenue-producing activity you could do in your business. In today’s podcast, Laura gives us a step-by-step guide for exactly how to up your copy game with “The 6 Golden Phrases you Must Use to Get Clients”.

These phrases are amazing, and after interviewing her, my wheels are already turning for how I can use these phrases in my emails, posts, and sales pages.

Tune in and be ready to take some serious notes!


To find Laura Kebart:  http://laurakebartcopy.com/resources 

The Quantum Business School: http://thequantumbusinessschool.com

To Join The Part-Time CEO Facebook Group: http://makemeaparttimeceo.com

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  • Follow @theparttimeceopodcast on Instagram for special, podcast related updates!

  • For more resources, information on my coaching services, and a whole community of Part-Time CEOs, find me on Facebook at The Part-Time CEO® Group, my website, or email me at janelle@janellelara.com

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Janelle Lara